camp on

honeymooning in yosemite, king's canyon, and sequoia national parks

overlooking king's canyon wilderness
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bernard's bad-ass chicken
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the main camp
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mark juggling while doing the humpty dance
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jim salvages a well-done sandwich
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nicole giving a sense of scale
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looking up between two sequoiae
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the general sherman from across the clearing. there's a man at the base, for scale
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paul h, and mark on the walk in the big trees
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paul h, mark, general sherman
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the guest book
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only you can start camping fires.
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nicole puts the finishing touches on the sequoia campsite
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a wee waterfall
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imposing cliffs
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jessie and nicole
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jim-bob and some lens flare
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tokopah falls
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the gang in the pool
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looking up tokopah falls
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the ahwahnee lobby
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looking out over the valley on our way to columbia rock
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hugh breaking the eggs in a nest (photograph by nicole michaud)
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el capitan from the top of sentinel dome
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hugh and half dome from glacier point (photograph by nicole michaud)
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nicole and half dome from glacier point
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overhanging rock and yosemite falls from glacier point
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looking down the valley from glacier point
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half dome through the trees
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i claim this land for spain
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lower yosemite falls
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looking west along the meadow
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nicole on the trail
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nicole at inspiration point
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o my
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nestled in the trees at north pines
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the view from north pines.
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someone at curry village did not take the bear warnings seriously enough
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a snack break near the top of sentinel dome
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trees on sentinel dome
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these boots were made for walkin
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our shade source
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nicole atop sentinel dome
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old wood on the top
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the marker on the top of sentinel dome
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nicole's hand-lettered just married tent marker
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the upper yosemite falls
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nicole and the falls
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the valley from inspiration point
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the newlyweds and nature
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