dublin and new grange

5200 year old neolithic tombs, and tem ple bar in dublin.

a street band in temple bar
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our first (and only) hostel
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neolithic burial compound north of dublin
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the trip, day 2
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a celtic cross in drogheda
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hugh and the cross
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the platform at drogheda
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the streets of dublin
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yet another elephant and castle
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a bar
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a closed bar with our name
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burial mound at knowth
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a reconstructed log arrangement
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looking down the tunnel at knowth
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a burial mound at knowth
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the back entrance at knowth
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a view along the mounds
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burial mounds
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burial mound
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kerbstones under the overhang
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monica and the post
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the log arrangement up close
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the front entrance at knowth
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hugh and the mounds
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closeup of the megaliths
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closeups of the megaliths
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monica in the foreground for comparison
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monica in an ancient celtic grave
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kerbstones vs our guide
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a souterrain at knowth
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megalith and megamonica
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the path up to newgrange
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the view of the countryside
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entryway into newgrange
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entry kerbstone
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entrance and kerbstone
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beehive huts behind newgrange
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the fronting wall of newgrange
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our room at the townhouse b and b
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a fencepost
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dublin postbox
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the seamens institute
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monica and hugh at newgrange
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the temple bar
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the tem ple bar
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monica watching the band
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the crowd
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the band
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the townhouse bed and breakfast
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